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  4. II Global Research Program: Global Internships for Research and Practice-Based Learning

II Global Research Program: Global Internships for Research and Practice-Based Learning

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The Global Research Program is an on-site/virtual international experience program that supports research and creative projects in UC Chile within the Global Internships for Research and Practice-Based Learning framework.

The program aims to enhance and stimulate research collaboration at a global level, connecting UC Chile researchers with master’s and senior undergraduate international students within new, creative, and innovative international research opportunities. The call is open to all areas of knowledge, and interdisciplinary projects are especially welcome to apply.

Last edited: September 25th, 05:08 pm

Important Dates (Some opportunities were extended until December 9th; please review the options below)

September 27 to October 21, 2023
FACULTY APPLICATION PROCESS - Faculty submit research projects.
Octuber 26 to December 3, 2023 (Some opportunities were extended until December 9th; please review the options below.)
STUDENTS' APPLICATION PROCESS - International students submit applications for available research projects.
December 2023
MATCHING AND RESULTS - UC Chile provides professors with a shortlist of student candidates for their projects. Professors are then asked to review student applications, conduct interviews, and then rank the applicants in order of suitability.
January 2024
PRE-INTERNSHIP PREPARATION - Successful students start working with UC Chile professors to arrange pre-internship details while each university oversees logistics and coordinates aspects related to its own administration
Start (April/May 2024) - Ending (July/August 2024)
INTERNSHIP RESEARCH STARTS - (Dates can be flexible and agreed between the researcher and the student)

Faculty application - Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for hosting international students as part of the Global Research Program:

  1. The interested researcher from UC Chile will offer an online and/or virtual internship within the scope of an existing research project. The internship must be at least 4 weeks and a maximum of 12 weeks, allowing the students to have mainly online research experiences in a practice-based learning environment.
  2. For the purposes of the call, each interested faculty member will present the internship offer and act as the lead researcher. The number of requested interns must also be identified in the online Registration Form for Researchers and Projects.
  3. Every project lead researcher must be a full, associate, or assistant professor of UC Chile or the partner university with at least 22 working hours. This call will not admit internship offers for those not meeting this requirement.
  4. Each faculty member can act as the lead researcher of only one project; the intern’s contribution must be clearly identified on the internship offer. Each project may have more than one student working on it.
  5. Internships selected for this call are expected to start between April and May 2024.

International Student - Internships Opportunities

The program aims to enhance and stimulate global research collaboration, connecting researchers with master’s and senior undergraduate students within new, creative, and innovative international research opportunities


Student application - Eligibility requirements

Every student must be in the senior year of their bachelor’s degree at one of our partner universities. Internships are also open to master students. It is the applicant’s sole responsibility to submit the necessary information and documentation. Interested students must upload the following documents.

STUDENT APPLICATIONS FOR 2024 WILL BE LAUNCHED ON OCTOBER 26 NOVEMBER 26, 2023 (Extended until December 3rd, 2023).

  1. Statement of Purpose (One page)
  2. Updated CV or Resume (One page)
  3. Transcripts or records of the last academic period (non-official transcripts admitted)
  4. English or Spanish proficiency tests, if required

The students interested in being part of this program must apply here

Research internships - Matching process and evaluation criteria

  1. Internship applications and project offers must be submitted using the UC Chile registration platforms.
  2. A shortlist of students is generated for each project based on the selection process led by the Office of the Vice President for International Affairs.
  3. Faculty are invited to review shortlisted student applications and contact the Office of the Vice President for International Affairs if they want to schedule interviews with applicants.
  4. Lead Researchers communicate their final selection to the Office of the Vice President for International Affairs. The latter sends an acceptance letter to the applicants that were selected so they can start contacting their UC professors/ supervisors respectively.




The Office of the Vice President for International Affairs at UC Chile supports the incoming students, while the Office of the Vice President for Research supports UC Chile researchers by offering their internships and selecting the most suitable candidates for each position.

At the end of the internship, UC Chile will issue a certificate of completion of the Global Research Program.

Travel information and immigration

UC | Chile ID

Wi-Fi Connections on campus

Access to the Library

Data protection

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC Chile) is committed to protecting personal data while respecting the dignity of the human person in a digital environment. UC | Chile supports data rights protection for everyone involved in our activities, including faculty members, researchers, staff, students, alumni, among others.

This policy establishes the responsibilities for the University community and the principles that govern data treatment and protection to fully meet the requirements of the Chilean Constitution, laws, regulations, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The UC Chile recognizes that proper and compliant processing under data protection legislation increases trust between the University and its community as a whole.

All personal data collected will only be processed by authorized UC Chile staff for the purpose of assigning available research placements and contacting both students and faculty within the scope of program activities. The Office of the Vice President for Research and the Office of the Vice President of International Affairs is responsible for the treatment of personal data and will be stored in a reliable and secure system for a period of 10 years. After this period, the data will be erased.

Apply here